Are you sure you want to remove this record?
All of the information in the Registry will be completely private to the public except your name and the state(s) where you are licensed.
All of the additional information that you provide will be confidential and only known to Success Beyond Sight (SBS). The additional information will be used by SBS for research to advocate for both the funding needed to train and support this very important profession and to ensure sufficient funding for all of the students who require your specialized services. It will provide a national forum for reaching you with important information and for providing you with opportunities, if you choose, to be included in important surveys and research to benefit your profession.
If, for any reason of personal security, you do not want your name and state(s) where you are licensed included in the public directory, you may opt out now.
If you do consulting or, for any other reason, would like to have your contact information included in the public directory, you may OPT-IN to having your contact information included along with your name and the state(s) where you are licensed.